I haven't posted in a bit because I've been busy getting my school year started. I've been setting up my classroom, reviewing curriculum, and meeting my new little munchkins. In fact, today was the first day of school!
One little boy came in with a huge smile on his face and handed me an apple. What a cutie!
Anyway, I'm still here and I'm still cooking. In fact, I am trying out a few new recipes this week and will post them if they are yummy. The recipes look tasty, so we'll see!
I hope you all are having a fabulous week! I'll be tying shoelaces, labeling folders, explaining classroom rules, returning parent emails, opening water bottles, playing "getting to know you" games, giving placement tests, and trying to keep the kids from hurting themselves or each other. I may even do some teaching! ;)
I miss teaching, but I do get to do a lot of those other things throughout the day. :)